How to Show Alignment Lines in Procreate (And Keep Them On)

Struggling to get your sketch perfectly centered on the canvas in Procreate? If those handy alignment lines seem to have vanished, don't worry—they're just a setting away.

In traditional design software, alignment guides make positioning elements easy and precise. However, in Procreate, these lines might sometimes go missing, leaving designers questioning whether alignment is even possible. Good news—Procreate has this feature, and it’s just a quick toggle away.

Here’s how to bring back alignment lines and ensure your sketch stays perfectly positioned:

  1. Activate the Transform Tool: Tap the Transform icon located at the top of the toolbar. This tool allows you to move and scale objects on your canvas.

  2. Access Snapping Settings: Look to the bottom toolbar on the left and tap Snapping. This will open a settings menu.

  3. Toggle On Snapping: Ensure the Snapping switch is turned on. This feature activates the alignment guides, allowing you to see when objects are centered or aligned with other elements.

With snapping enabled, you’ll notice helpful lines appearing as you move objects, giving you that much-needed visual cue for precise placement.


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